everyday is a fashion show & the world is your runway.

Sunday, December 13, 2009 Y 10:26 AM

once again
i will not cry.
i will not cry.
i will NOT cry.
cant wait for camp.i need to get away for awhile.maybe away from all the drama

with love: xue (: Y10:26 AM

Y 12:09 AM

buzz off

you know how some idiotic people keep bugging you about weird stuff such you liking so and so and its not true.yea.that totally pisses me off.especially if the guy is the type where he practically likes every girl he sees.you irritants better keep your fat mouths shut and stop spreading rumors
1.(read above)
2.he probably likes every other girl he knows
i despise guys who are so fickle minded.just go eat yourself, seriously.
i mean seriously!whats the problem with not liking anyone?!?!?(even if i did it won't be him)not now, not ever

with love: xue (: Y12:09 AM

Monday, December 7, 2009 Y 12:39 AM

i've re-watched Cinderella today and i've convinced myself that fairytales don't happen in real life ): i mean how in the world will anyone be able to wear that amazing glass slipper? ):
anyways i caught the sneaks of new moon on Saturday but i fell asleep for like a few minutes in between(it was a midnight movie!) hence ive convinced myself that i shall watch it again because i'm team Jacob! but by the time eclipse comes out id be old

with love: xue (: Y12:39 AM